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Millcast Episode 121 Millcast Episode 121

Millcast Episode 121

Knit for Food & Ghost Horses 

This week on the Millcast we kick off with a reintroduction of ourselves for our new viewers. Then, we dive into what we’re wearing, as well as our latest - a build your own bundle for the Ghost Horses Swearer by Caitlin Hunter. We also introduce Making Tracks LITE Knit for Food, a limited edition colorway benefitting the Knit for Food Knit-A-Thon. We then share an interview with Judy Bond and Mary Kasamatsu from the Green Mountain Knitting Guild and show off their current knit along, the Turritella Shawl by Ona Woldten. We show off some of our latest knitting projects before wrapping up with a reminder of our Open House this weekend from 10am - 1pm.


00:00:22 - Allow us to reintroduce ourselves (for those of you who are new!)

00:05:12 - What we’re wearing & Ghost Horses Sweater Bundles

00:12:33 - Introducing Making Tracks Knit for Food, available today at 10am ET!

00:15:46 - Knit for Food Knit-A-Thon overview

00:17:57 - Interview with Judy Bond and Mary Kasamatsu from the Green Mountain Knitting Guild

00:25:20 - Turritella Shawl Bundle for the Green Mountain Knitting Guild knit along

00:26:19 - Sample show and tell!

00:28:24 - What we’re knitting

00:34:03 - Upcoming event - JFM Open House on March 15th from 10am - 1pm

Mentioned in the Millcast:

Ghost Horses build-your-own-bundle:

Ghost Horses pattern by Caitlin Hunter:

Knit for Food Yarn: 

Knit for Food JFM Team:

Merchant and Mill Workbook:

Green Mountain Knitting Guild:

Turritella Bundles:

Amanda’s Knitting: Stockholm Slipover V-Neck by Petite Knit -

Peggy's Knitting: Dustland Sweater by Stephen West –

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