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Millcast Episode 123

Millcast Episode 123

Sugar on Snow

This week on the Millcast is all about Sugar on Snow! We take a tour through the Miller Farm, who made the maple syrup included in our limited edition boxes. We have a special interview with George Miller, who talks about the process of turning sap into syrup, the ideal conditions to tap the trees, and what makes a syrup light or dark. We also share a close-up of the final Sugar on Snow boxes, available today at 10am ET! As always, we show off what we’re knitting and wearing, and also share some follow-ups from last week. We wrap up with a reminder that you can book shopping appointments online and that our next Open House is April 19th!

00:01:33 - What we’re knitting & what we’re wearing?
00:06:27 - Spring has sprung
00:08:07 - The sweet inspiration behind our latest boxes & tour of the Miller Farm
00:10:50 - Interview with George Miller, Maple Syrup Maker and Peg’s neighbor
00:22:29 - Sugar on Snow is available today at 10am ET!
00:23:30 - An apology to Todd & some other follow-ups from last week
00:24:57 - A sick day show recommendation!
00:28:06 - How to book shopping appointments here at the Mill
00:30:45 - Our next Open House is Saturday, April 19th!

Mentioned in the Millcast:

Sugar on Snow Boxes:

Peggy's Finished: Dustland Sweater by Stephen West –

Amanda’s Knitting: Stockholm Slipover V-Neck by Petite Knit -

Shopping Appointments:

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