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Read This! Hat

How to create your own text chart

Use the Alphabet Chart and the blank charts included with the pattern and the template at to design your own.

Step 1: Pick your text

We've created a Google Sheet template here Click the blue button in the upper right-hand corner, "Use Template" to import it into your Google Drive. We created a screencast to show how to use the template to find the perfect text for your unique hat:

Note: you need a Google account to use this template. If you don't already have one, they are free to create.

Step 2: Make your chart

Use the input variables from the Template along with the alphabet chart included on page 3 of the Read This! Hat pattern to fill in the charts on the bottom of pages 4 & 5 with your text motif. Note that the text should read from left to right but you will knit the pattern from right to left, as indicated in Charts A & B.

If you have any questions, email them to us at

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